I have many feelings that are hard to put into words

There are several symbols I find myself coming back to again and again

visuals and ideas that have personal significance to me

it can be hard to convey my feelings when the only words i have to express them are through metaphors that only make sense to me
at least, in the way that i mean them

the moon
the power line
the radio announcer
the angel
the perpetual motion machine
the cat in the box


most things anyone has an impression of
they see the words and think,
"oh, yes, this. i know this"

but it isn't in the same way i know it

so there is inherently a sort of disconnect there
that makes it hard to really communicate my feelings

after a certain point it just starts to feel pointless

like these thoughts are all falling on deaf ears

talking at length to someone only to realize that you are not even speaking the same language

someday i am certain i will be understood by the people i want to be heard by

until that happens,

all i can really do is keep writing.

if you want to be understood

the first thing you need

is someone who understands that there is a meaning there at all

and wants to learn exactly what it is.

just make sure it isn't the wrong person.

[december 9th, 2023 - back]